The graphic below clarifies why traditional strategic planning
methodology misses the mark in terms of leadership focus, and shows
where leadership focus should be. This isn't rocket science,
but for some reason it's a concept that not only many, but most,
organizational leaders seem to be missing (including me until recently).
Typical strategic planning session focus areas are highlighted
below. Note that the majority of the highlights fall in the right-hand
column, labeled “Management/Operations,” not the left-hand column
labeled “Leadership.”
The un-highlighted areas are generally left out
of the process or, if discussed, only in relation to creating and
implementing the plan.
Most strategic planning
processes/retreats start with things like a SWOT analysis, environmental
scans, etc. , to help determine the strategic choices. This is followed
by creating or re-examining the vision/mission, then developing some
areas of strategic focus, creating goals/objectives, and may even go so
far as developing action plans.
areas of focus for strategic leadership are found solely in the
left-hand column. (Note that planning is in the right-hand column.)
should now be clear why strategic planning methodology fails to build a
strategic organization. True strategic leadership activities are either
skipped or given short-shrift at best, and an inordinate amount of time
is spent on management/operations activities where leadership should
spend NO TIME AT ALL. Strategic planning methodology quickly shifts the focus from leadership to management.
When a leadership retreat is held, instead of shifting the focus to management/operations activities, the entire focus should remain on the leadership side, NEVER venturing into the right-hand column. Ever.
right-hand activities are for mid-management and staff, and in
nonprofit organizations, this would include committee chairs and
volunteers. When building a strategic organization, the left-hand side
is where leadership, the C-Suite/owners/Board of Directors, should be
focused like a laser.
And executive leadership should not only
stay focused on the left side, but build capacity within the rest of the
organization to shift its focus to the left-hand side. That's an
important piece often left out. Leaders by nature have a visionary,
strategic-focused mindset and attitude, but often fail to build capacity
in the rest of the organization for a strategic leadership focus.
The un-highlighted
activities in the left column are the ones that build organizational
capacity for strategic leadership at all levels. Ultimately, we want
what we do as an organization (behavior - mission/tactics) to be aligned
with who we are (mindset - vision/values/strategic focus).
need to focus on reminding us of who we are as an organization; aligned
actions will follow automatically if all stakeholders have an
ingrained, intuitive understanding of this.
How many times do we as
leaders complain of getting bogged down in operations, losing sight of
the "big picture?" We say to ourselves, wouldn't it be great if we could
work on the organization, rather than in it? It stands to reason, if we're getting sucked into operations, then what about the people in our organization whose only
focus is operations? If we don't take the time to build strategic
leadership capacity in them, they'll never get out of an operational
focus, which they must do in order to take thoughtful actions aligned
with the vision.
Since we now know where our focus needs to be to
provide strategic leadership, we'll take a look at how to keep it there
in upcoming posts. In my next post, I'll be offering a thought that
goes counter to prevailing wisdom about creating vision.